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Developmental concept
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Developmental concept

Commonly, audio amplifiers have a couple of drawbacks, size and heat buildup (namely, poor efficiency). As you know, HDD and Optical-pickup are so vulnerable to the heat buildup which may cause some irregularity on a variety of applications (products) in use. It is our main subject to eliminate these drawbacks from an amplifier, more specifically to minimize the heat buildup therein while increasing performance/efficiency and output in spite of drastic miniaturization.

The first key to success (KTS) in the recent epoch-making developmental efforts is that we are able to develop, engineer and evaluate both technologies of power supply and amplifier, regardless of whether they are analog or digital devices.

The second key is that as detailed below, a number of technologies for miniaturization were newly developed.
Our final goal to our recent project was to oust "power amplifier" from the audio system. A large-output and high tone quality speaker will suffice for its original purpose even if "power amplifier" does not exist physically.

Besides technological development, equally important is product's esthet designing.
We, therefore, consigned appropriate designing to this innovative product, to GK Industrial Design Corporation which leads the Japan's industrial designers' world. Poor designing will spoil the quality of product no matter how technically excellent it may be.

Last but not least, as may be understood from the applications enumerated below, for our future's candidates, these technologies will be applicable to the whole field of power electronics. Therefore, our strenuous efforts will be made along this line.

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